News Letter
BLR Board News
The new boat/trailer/watercraft By Law goes into effect this season. Please make sure your boats/trailers/watercraft are properly registered and licensed. You also need to make sure it does not look abandoned or unsightly or you will be asked to remove it or resolve the issue. Notices will be going out soon.
The board is working on the lot rental policy and should have it completed soon.
The building permit process is being updated. One change to the process is you will need to make sure you provide detailed drawings on your permits and if you do not have a visible lot number on your lot your permit may not be approved.
Presidents Report
Welcome back fellow members, I am looking forward to an exciting 2024 season and I hope you are as well.
During the off season, we put in a larger reception window in the lobby, Brandon Whittamore replaced the ceiling lights and fans in the conference room, the boat entrance was replaced, the concrete walkways by the clubhouse were repaired. We added an additional walkway to the pool deck, the landscaping bed by the bathrooms were updated, new metal roofs were put on the bath houses and the fish cleaning station. We also added a new bench by the firepit.
For the 2024 season, Chris will be updating the pavilion and the clubhouse bathrooms. The pavilion is getting a facelift thanks to Wade Kohler for donating the pallet boards. We plan to add a big screen tv and updated lighting and making the sound system user friendly so our members can use the tv and sound system anytime for sports, movies etc.The outside pavilion area will be getting additional seating to accommodate more members who want to attend events. The tennis court area will be getting additional lighting, more pickle ball courts, new benches will be added and the stage area will be updated so the bands can play there. We will be repairing more roads and adding satellite radio to the pool for more reliable music.
With completion of these updates and the work done over the last several seasons, the majority of BLR will have been updated and repaired for long term use. This will allow us to focus on the long-term infrastructure issues involving the water, electrical and drainage systems in the park.
We have a new activities director and we have added a youth activities director, please lend a hand if you can. They have put together a fun summer of events.
Here’s to another great season at BLR!
Blake Brown, BLR President
Committee Updates
Coming soon
If you have a question or need to report a problem, please do not post it on Facebook, it is not the place to do it. We do not monitor Facebook on a regular basis or conduct park business on Facebook. We do answer some simple questions and post park updates on the Association sponsored Facebook page. If you want a quick response or have a concern, contact your Area Director, or go to the website, scroll to the bottom and click on CONTACT US. The office and president are sent notices right away.
If it is a maintenance issue, use the website request manager area.